A Jimmy Ass Guide to Fighting Odin Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn

By goukijones — September 20, 2013
Tags: a-realm-reborn blog gouki-linkshell guide how-to

While in some random fate party the other day the leader was saying Odin just popped somewhere in the Shroud & he was gonna warp us. Here's what happened.

First of all you know when Odin is up in the Shroud. I think it's Central Shroud. Anyway ... there's these little white bubbles, almost like snowflakes are falling from the sky. I don't know if he always pops in the same exact spot, but he was close to Haukke Manor when I found him. I thot I was the first person there, but there was already to Jimmys laid out in front. Got whacked!

As you can see, I'm all up in his grill, but I'm not getting off my bird just yet. I gotta wait for some more Jimmys to show up. I was only level 42 or 43, so I was just there to watch. 

I got involved eventually. Only throwing my axe from a distance tho. Odin does multiple AOE with huge range, so it was safe for me to be close to him. Plus he spawned in a very dangerous area. Giant puke plants were all over the place & there's a big FATE for 1 of thoses guys that spawns right there as well. So Jimmys were fighting Odin while trying to fight off the Malboro's as well. 

Look out JImmy!

The fight turns into a blur all you can see is Dragoons jumping up in the air & the random red circle for Odin's AOE. If you go to watch like me, you can get involved, just keep your distance. The fight lasts about 10-15 minutes & I only got like 1100 XP, BUT I can now say I saw Odin & I was in a party that beat him. Get railed! 

Thanks for reading.

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