Community Bulletstorm fans get a early play on Echo level

By iorilamia — February 21, 2011
Tags: bulletstorm echo-mode epic fans people-can-fly video

Check out these 2 dudes pwn-raping a level in Echo!


A while back Bulletstorm had a competition with prizes to see who got the highest scores in the demo. A long with some prizes the top 2 dudes got to play a Echo level early on. The gameplay shows some beastly stuff we have't seen before, and towards the end of the video they give some insight on how the game feels compared to the demo such as how it is a lot more difficult than the demo. Leave a comment on what you think Jimmy! Bulletstorm releases in stores tomorow Feb 22nd.



Bulletstorm Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Feb 22, 2011

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