Community China Town Fair SSF4: AE comedy hours

By iorilamia — December 25, 2010
Tags: chinatownfair commentary newyork super-street-fighter-iv team-spooky video

Endless lolz + great gameplay.

Down at ChinaTown fair at Henry Cen's arcade on christmas Eve they had 2 SSF4 ae setups. Many pro's were their along with randoms. TeamSpooky livestreamed it and uploaded hours AND HOURS of gameplay onto their youtube channel. Unfortunately their was a 5 game streak until it ends. Their were many commentators, such as Spooky himself, Akuma, Cen, Hu and Sabin; they definately trolled up the place and left hilarious commentary, a long with some nice tips and info on AE, heres some vids and a link below to the youtube.

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Release Date: Apr 27, 2010

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