Community DOA5 vs Whoa?!?!?

By genxsis83 — March 5, 2012
Tags: cameo doa-5 preview

A interesting new gameplay trailer for DOA 5 with a surprise ending ^^

I used to like this series because of the counter system ^^ and Itagaki.

Now with Itagaki gone I had very little interest for this game until this trailer.



What do you guys think?

Hard to write more without spoiling but just finish the trailer and then comment ^^

Dead or Alive 5

Dead or Alive 5 Gouki Box Art

18 Stories

Release Date: Sep 25, 2012

Buy it! 33% - Rent it! 67% - Flush it! 0%

[UPDATED] Mar 6, 2012 9:51:57 AM

Mar 6, 2012 by BatRastered

Updated video to official channel now that it's available


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