Community DragonKiss83's quest for a Street Fighter X Tekken team

By dragonkiss83 — February 12, 2012
Tags: blog sfxtekken sfxt-giveaway

After a while being away from I have returned to find a challenge, I must somehow choose a team from a roster of the stars of Street Fighter and Tekken. Wish me luck.

The death of my pc has kept me from being able to post on here since November, but with a Laptop ready to go I return to the site to do some catching up, and what do I find? has another kickass giveaway going on.  And this time it was for Street Fighter X Tekken.  All it takes is write a story about the team you want to play as, easy right.  Wrong. As I look over the roster I realize that a team of two characters just isn't big enough.

The truth is from the Tekken side I have a few favorites, Jin and Kazuya are at the top of the list but you can't overlook Yoshimitsu or King.

If they had the right Jin He'ld be on the team for sure.

I just couldn't decide.  So I decided to check out the Street Fighter side.  And it just made things worse.  Ibuki felt like a sure thing, at first.

But as I looked at the list there were just to many great characters to choose from.  Akuma (Gouki) is always high on the list


And you just can't over look Cammy...

or Bison.

This just keeps getting more complicated.  I'm sure all use them all in various combinations until I find the right mix, but I still have to start somewhere.  So I just keep watching videos and reminiscing about all the fun I've had with them in the past.  And then it hit me.  What better team could I start with?  How was it not obvious from the start?

Poison and Juri!  Juri is one of the craziest female characters to ever put the digital beatdown on anyone.  And Poison can throw down with the best of them with the added bonus of distracting your opponent as the wonder if she's packing heat.  The quest was over! For now at least.  Until I have a chance to try the characters out and really get into the mechanics of the game (including how much I suck with various characters) I can't be sure what my final team will be, but I do have a place to start.

Best of luck to all of you who enter.   And remember don't be a Jimmy! #1

And just for the Jimmys...


Street Fighter X Tekken

SFxT Gouki Box Art

74 Stories

Release Date: Mar 6, 2012

Buy it! 44% - Rent it! 33% - Flush it! 22%

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