Final Fantasy XIV Gouki Guild beta day 1

By goukijones — September 3, 2010
Tags: beta final-fantasy-xiv hands-on update

Finally got a beta code and got onto a server today before they all filled up. Apparently I chose the wrong job class. Good thing this is a beta TEST. Jimmy!

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I played the Final Fantasy XIV beta today for 3-4 hours. So there definitely isn't a time like of an hour or two like I had read earlier this week. Unfortunately, I may have started off with the wrong job class. I choose to be an alchemist. That sounds cool right. I figured I can just get a sword or a bow and go out to fight things. I'll just weak in those areas of fighting since my main skill was alchemy. Well, my only offensive weapon I has was "throw stone."

So the plan now is to try again, this time specifically choosing disciple of war and picking an archer. I don't want to do magic right away. I really enjoy crafting, that why I choose alchemy first. That and I figured potions would be good turn over for making money. The leve system is no big deal at all, I was partied with Estrada and were doing all of his leve. Again my only issue is that I did 1 damage and would get railed by the fungi.

Final Fantasy XIV DOES run on my pc. I turned the shadows off and a few other things to see what the effects are. Didn't seem to make much of a difference. My fan was maxed out and the screen seemed to be dropping frame rates. Oh and I couldn't figure out how to play full screen. 

I can tell though, even screwing up and not really doing anything for the last couple of hours in Final Fantasy XIV, I will be addicted. Without a doubt.

Gouki Guild beta

Hodrum planet.

Gradania City. *Will change with second character tomorrow.

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