Friday Night Live Stream featuring LV Local & UMvC3 PRO - Vicko

By goukijones — June 27, 2012
Tags: news

Special Event this Friday night on the Stream. Las Vegas local and Professional Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 player stops by to body Team Gouki. WIN a free t-shirt!!

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This Firday night on the LIVE stream we will have a special guest star. Vicko from Las Vegas. Vicko travels the globe competeting in Ultimate Marvel VS Cacpom 3 tournaments. He will also mod your stick on the spot. Professional mods are always available when Vicko is around.

So tune into the stream and when we get the viewers over 250 at any time we'll give away one them there new fancy t-shirts. 

11:30 pm pdt (Las Vegas time)

What are you going to see on the stream? Well probably a lot of Choke, FnJimmy and myself getting bodied by Vicko. I'm looking forward to it. Vote, Comment and Share. Don't be a Jimmy!

Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Gouki Box Art

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Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Nov 15, 2011

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