Gears of War 3 Slips into Fall 2011

By Cinderkin — October 1, 2010
Tags: gears-of-war-3

Microsoft delays it's biggest title of 2011.

Microsoft has announced that they have delayed the highly anticapted Gears of War 3.


Microsoft has stated that: "The teams at Microsoft Game Studios and Epic Games have done great work thus far readying the title for release in the spring of 2011, However, we've elected to move the launch of Gears of War 3 until fall 2011 to make it the marquee title for the holiday season."

Sounds to me like Microsoft is just in it for the money and they don't care who they piss off.

How do you feel about this delay? Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!


Gears of War 3

Gears of Wat 3 Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Sep 20, 2011

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