Hearthfire is Here Jimmy. Get Your Skyrim DLC On.

By cinderkin — September 4, 2012
Tags: dlc news video

It's here, another dose of Skyrim DLC for you Jimmys to get your hands on.

Centered around making you a domesticated hero of Skyrim, the Heartfire DLC adds the ability to purchase land, build a home, raise children, and other nonsense. You can even build gardens and fish while some lady takes care of it all as you go off killing dragons.

This doesn't seem like much fun to me considering how awesome Skyrim is. If you dig it though it's out now for $5.

Are you interested in this? If so tell us about it in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim box art

14 Stories

Release Date: Nov 11, 2011

Buy it! 67% - Rent it! 22% - Flush it! 11%

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