Hostility... Betrayal... Heartbreak... "Triangle Strategy" Challenge Your Convictions Trailer

By goukijones — October 27, 2021
Tags: preview

Check out just some of the characters in Triangle Strategy.

Fans of this genre have got to be going nuts for this game. Square Enix never rereleased the original Final Fantasy Tactics on any console. You could play on the phone, but mine would get so hot after just a few minutes of playing. Same with Final Fantasy III(6). That never worked out for me. I don’t want to play on those tiny ass screens with my fingers anyway. I want to play it with a controller on a big screen. Project Triangle looks like a whole new creation on the same level of Final Fantasy Tactics and I can’t wait. Check out the latest trailer.

Triangle Strategy

Project TRIANGLE STRATEGY working title Gouki Box Art

6 Stories

Release Date: Mar 4, 2022

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