KillZone 2 Review

By reipuerto — August 23, 2010
Tags: fps ps3-exclusive review

Just what is/are the Helghast?!

What up Jimmies?! KillZone 2 is an action packed game that involves a crazy amount of light, just to see what’s going on, because it’s so dark! Joking aside, the developers Guerrilla Games, which also made KillZone Liberation(PSP),  have done an amazing job at making KillZone 2, live up to the hype.

Story- KillZone 2 takes place right after KillZone 1, and Liberation for the PSP. Set in a war torn planet called Helghan. You the main character “Sev” has to fight for some cause or something. The story just give some simple pot, hero must win the war and get out alive. Within the first few minutes of viewing some impressive graphics by the Fordman Grill, you jump into battle and start letting loose. The story didn’t hold my attention due because, in my opinion, they tried too hard to give each character feelings and emotion. I didn’t care too much. But a FEW plot twist, made it interesting.

Gameplay- Like I said, you jump into battle with very little training wheels. Even in  the easiest setting, you’ll die quite a few times. The INITIAL control scheme, sucks. That’s it. IF you can update the bloody thing, do it. The controls will work in you favor. With that being said, the game has a distinct control, that once you game the hang of it, you’ll be popping heads off quick. You can use the wall as cover. Yes, an FPS using cover mechanics. It takes a while, but again, it grows on you. There are a diverse of weapons that will allow you to reek havoc on the dudes in black coat. You start of with you assault gun and a magnum that has unlimited ammo. But make sure you’re reloading half the time. The weapons are a slow as a PSN update, when out of ammo. You could only carry a two weapons at a time, but the magnum is 90% with you, you only actually can carry one.

Sound- “Bam! Bam! Bam! Take cover!” The guns sound like they are guns that will blow your face off. The sound track tries to hit all the emotion section throughout the game, giving you a reason to TRY and care for the story. The voice actors do a decent job too, but sometime you can’t hear anything and you end up reading the subtitles in the end because of the over powering explosions.

Graphic- Alright you graphics whore. You can say it’s still one of the best looking game of the PS triple. There will be minor blemished, but that’s it. Mirror issue that doesn’t effect the overall quality appearance of the game. This game is also eye candy.

Overall- Buy it! The game is cheap enough not to miss out and the sequel is coming out next year. So bring your war face and finish the fight!


Killzone 2

Killzone 2

1 Stories

Release Date: Feb 27, 2009

Buy it! 37% - Rent it! 37% - Flush it! 26%

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