New Content for Halo 4. 1 Classic Map, 1 New. New Game Type Sadface. New Armor & Skins!

By goukijones — July 8, 2013
Tags: blithering-blathering video

New weapon skins, like a shark on the tip of your AR have got to totally excite you. If not how about the return of a classic Halo 3 map. Well classic is like your opinion or something. New armor mods are cool, 1 of the vehicle based ... allegedly.

So I don't really care for Pitfall, I don't like small maps. I like to drive. What I'd really like to do is play the Crimson map pack again. I haven't been on Halo 4 in a couple of months as of right now, but last time I checked, those maps were gone. The new map Vertigo has a stupid name. Also no vehicles so ... not too thrilled. 

I like the idea of having a mod that will eject me of a vehicle if it finna 'slode, but I can't find any info about that just yet. Nubfarm Zero telling me this shit. Which slot does it fill? Which way do I fly out? Will I still have my shield up?

I don't care about skins. The new game type looks dumb. Not enough here for me to get back on the Halo band wagon. Don't be a Jimmy! Thanks for reading. 

Halo 4

Halo 4 Gouki Box Art

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Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Nov 6, 2012

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