Razer Onza hands-on CES 2011 with goukijones

By goukijones — January 10, 2011
Tags: call-of-duty-black-ops ces-2011 demo gameplay hands-on interview microsoft news onza razer razer-onza xbox-360 xbox-360-exclusive

Quick there's a scruffy white dude looking at the xbox controller, send out the cute little Asian girl. Heard. goukijones literally gets a hand all over experience with the new Razer Onza controller for Xbox 360.

Seriously, everything was completely professional. I did not care for this controller at all. I don't like cords and it comes with a 15 foot cord. sad face. There is no confirmed wireless version. The two extra shoulder buttons are programable and that is a cool idea. But they are too close togther. Maybe that would take some getting used to. I was also not impressed with the d-pad. Microsoft just created the twisty d-pad, which is great. The Razer Onza has another flat surface for the d-pad. Jimmy don't like that. The highlight of the controller is the adjustable thumbsticks. I really think that will make a huge differnce in any FPS experience. Hey yo, send me a wired one for free and then maybe I'll consider buying a wireless one.

Razer Onza

Razer Onza

6 Stories

Release Date: Apr 15, 2011

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