Square Enix Booth E3 2013 GJ vs FNJ Exclusive Video

By goukijones — June 30, 2013
Tags: e3-2013 fnjimmy goukijones square-enix video

GoukiJones & FnJimmy talk about Final Fantasy XIV & other Square Enix games at E3 2013.

Murdered Soul Suspect was 1 of the worst demos I saw. Besides that Wolfenstein shit. Another freezing dark room packed full of Jimmys. I was literally holding myself up from falling over. Because of what happened during this demo I have made a new rule to sit/stand near the door of game I don't know anything about. I so wanted out of that room. 

"Excuse me, pause for a second." Then I get up & stumble out over 20 nuabs sitting on the floor. Dear god never again!

I'm super hype for the Final Fantasy XIV. I've been playing in the beta the last 2 weeks & have already logged well over 40+ hours. They did a really good job on COMPLETELY REMAKING THE ENTIRE GAME. Again I digress, BatRastered had the best take. 

"Isn't it just XI HD?" Yep.

Thief. Thief looked so bad during the press conference or where ever I saw that game play demo. Maybe the Keighly. The characters just running up to you to get smacked & the terrible, horrible animation. 2004 type shit. Pass. 

I played the FFX remake for like 15 minutes. All I watched were cut scenes with 0 skipping abilities. Fuck that.

Then there was something called Final Fantasy XIII-2 X3 4 Jimmys Lighting Returns. Ridiculous! Why can't Square let go of that horrible game?!

I am hype for that Final Fantasy XV tho. Even tho none of it is quite real just yet. 

Thanks for watching & reading.

Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV Gouki Box Art

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Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Aug 27, 2013

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