"Starfield" Finally Gets A Release Date

By goukijones — March 8, 2023
Tags: news

Stardate to be more science fiction.

A new release date has been announced for September 9, 2023. I strongly and fully believe that the game will come out on that day. Praise be he (Todd Howard) has made it official. There will also be a Starfield Direct on June 11, 2023. E3 time of year. So I’m wondering, do you guys hear the Master Chief’s old pal, Echo-216 Pilot, Fernando Esparza? It sounds just like the guy who finds the Chief at the beginning of Halo Infinite. There are a lot of over the shoulder camera shots of gameplay in this clip. The picture quality is so good on those TVs to show up on video like that. They wouldn’t have superimposed it right? Makes me think I need a new gaming monitor. Plan a week off for Starfield this September!


Starfield 2021 Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Sep 6, 2023

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