Street Fighter 3 Third Strike Online Edition [E3 2011 Exclusive]

By fnjimmy — June 11, 2011
Tags: e3-2011 exclusive exclusive-video fnjimmy gameplay news screen-shots street-fighter street-fighter-3-online-edition video was hand-on with Street Fighter 3 online Edition. Live gameplay from the E3 2011 show floor. My official take on the game after just playing it. Also the trailer if you have seen it. Third Strike is back bahby!

That's right I officially played the game. First watch the video of the gameplay from the show floor. You will get to see a Jimmy working his way through the different screen settings. Widescreen, classic arcade cab, HD, SD. Pay attention and you will notice the different. This is exclusive access for you to E3. See it from the eyes of a PWNr. Me.

Here's my official take.

Official trailer for SF3O - Get hype!


Street Fighter III Third Strike Online Edition

Street Fighter III Third Strike Online Edition

26 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Aug 23, 2011

Buy it! 89% - Rent it! 11% - Flush it! 0%

[UPDATED] Jul 8, 2011 12:36:17 PM

Jul 8, 2011 by BatRastered

If anyone doesn't know... this is the Daigo parrying a super from EVO that FnJimmy is talking about.

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