Titanfall | Campaign Multiplayer Mode and Game Creation

By BatRastered — September 12, 2013
Tags: gamescom video

Matt Littler and Darren Jeffries are in Cologne for gamescom 2013 to chat with producer Drew McCoy about the ideas behind Titanfall.

The small team at Respawn Entertainment have set out with high standards for their first title, with the concept focused around giant mech-walkers named 'Titans'. The Titans have been designed using motion capture to provide a sense of fluency and power when operating them, demonstrated in their ability to lift up and place the player in the cockpit or tear enemies out of their Titan.

Titanfall is a multiplayer experience with single player elements that occur around the players. Levels are introduced with a narrative and events occur during the online gameplay which add to the overall story. Even the ending features a bonus epilogue round in which the winning team try to hunt down the retreating losers before they can escape to their dropship.

Yeah, still hyped for this, though I'm still not sure how the campaign works with a multiplayer environment like that. If you loose the match, do you have to try the same thing over again until you win? Please don't make Brink 2.0.


Titanfall Gouki Box Art

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