We Watched The First Episode Of "The Last Of Us"

By goukijones — January 16, 2023
Tags: blog

And it was spectacular.

The realism of the sets and the props and the design of everything will keep you from blinking for almost an hour and half. Pedro Pascal is great as Joel and it’s fun to hear almost Mando’s voice in there just a little bit sometimes. I was laughing. Ellie is played perfectly, she’s vulgar and violent. She was the best part in the video game and I can’t wait to see her character throughout the show. HBO has really nailed it with this one. This is going to be one of the hottest shows on HBO since Game of Thrones. The show is looking to have 9 episodes and wrap the entire first game up in the first season. So there’s no BS here. There are a few scenes from the game I hope to see in the show, but I’m not gonna share any spoilers just yet. You can watch the first episode of The Last of Us on HBO Max right now, with new episodes available every Sunday night. Please look forward to my review after the season ends.

The Weeks Ahead Trailer | The Last of Us | HBO Max

The Last of Us | Opening Credits | HBO Max

The Last of Us HBO Max

The Last of Us HBO Max Gouki Box Art 001

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Release Date: Jan 15, 2023

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