BatRastered Clears Joey Ultraviolet’s Trap Door Jump In "Borderlands 3"

By goukijones — August 10, 2021
Tags: video

Looks like a secret chest is in that room so there must be something good in it right?

“Lots of speed boosts to make this happen and timing... Rewards are... crap.” That’s the quote from BatRastered after making the jump. You’ve got to hand it to Gearbox time and time again in all of the Borderlands  games you can find these very uncommon gaming moments. Is that a Snowdrift relic? Slide: +95% Cryo Damage & +158% Speed Slide launches Cryo Snowball. Cooldown: 5s…

Borderlands 3

Gouki Borderlands 3 Generic Box Art

19 Stories

Release Date: Sep 13, 2019

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